Economics Papers

Kazakhstan: A Macroeconomic Analysis

A paper that analyses the Kazakhstani economy from a macroeconomic perspective, shedding light on its fiscal, monetary and commercial policies.

Link to the paper can be found here.

Papers Sociology

Gentrification: From Art to Corporatization

A paper describing Gentrification as an art-induced phenomenon. Examines the cases of Brooklyn and Barcelona.

Presented at the Annual 2018 Sociology Seminar.

You can find the paper here:

Final Draft – Gentrification and Art

Economics Papers

Auction Theory: Strategies, Models and Applications

A research paper that delineated a few basic concepts surrounding auction theory. It describes applications of the same in the Indian Public System.

Presented at the Annual Freddie Mehta Economics Seminar in January 2018.

You can find the paper here: Final Draft – Auction Theory

Economics Papers

Anti-Trust and Dominance

A research paper that studies the nascence and development of anti-trust laws in India, followed by descriptions of quantitative measures of dominance that can be applied in the context of anti-trust laws.

Published in the Arthnithi 2017-18 (ISSN: 2277 1344)

You can find the paper here:

Anti-Trust and Dominance



Independent Music in Bombay

Few things remain as ingrained in my mind as distinctly as a dreary September evening in 2013, the genesis of a relationship that would flourish for years on end. From the mosh at that Control Alt Delete gig to the countless memories I have procured in my brief yet unforgettable association with this sub-culture, merely buying tickets and merch seem inadequate in my endeavor to repay this community.

Through this project, I intend to compile the financial aspects of Independent Artists in Mumbai. The data will then be compared to that of other professionals in an analogous age range to establish the disparity in the lives of musicians and other professionals. A model that accepts multiple arguments will be developed to predict the income of a musician. This will also be done separately for genres, thus developing and examining inter-genre viability. The proximity of part-time musicians’ other profession to music will also be examined. Finally, a list of recommendations to venue owners, promoters, the general public and fellow artists will be developed.

All the aforementioned objectives are overshadowed by my primary objective, which is to allow independent musicians to focus not on their financials, but on their art.

Economics Papers

Economics Paper: Consumer Behaviour

A brief paper that was part of my curriculum in my course on Microeconomics, the paper delves into analysing the behaviour of consumers’ purchasing patterns with regards to six goods – toothbrushes, toothpastes, sugarcane juice, lemonade, milk and newspapers.

The goods were analysed in pairs – complementary goods, competitive goods and unrelated goods.

The paper was adjudged as the highest in the class. It was worked on by four of us, who were randomly put in the same group.

The paper can be found here.

The data bank to the paper can be found here.

A compendium of pie charts used to analyse the data can be found here.

An personal analysis of the paper can be found here.